Absence Reporting

Attendance Matters…

At King’s Academy Easthampstead Park we strive for 100% attendance but as a minimum we expect 96% attendance in line with the national average.

Our school attendance policy asks that if a student is absent from school, their parent/carer phone into school by 9 am with a reason for absence for each day of that absence.

You can register a student’s absence by calling the school switchboard on 01344 304567 and selecting option 1 or by calling the Welfare office on 01344 390899 or emailing welfare@kgaeasthampstead.uk

If you have any other concerns or queries regarding attendance please contact our Attendance Officer on 01344 390824 or by emailing at attendance@kgaeasthampstead.uk

Our Parental Engagement Champion, Mr Jordon Holmes can be contacted on 01344 390806 or by emailing him at jordon.holmes@kgaeasthampstead.uk

Medical and dental appointments should not be made during the school day unless absolutely necessary, in which case an email or a signed letter from the parent is required. In addition, students must sign in and out at welfare.

We do not expect any parents to request permission for holidays for their children during the school term unless there are exceptional circumstances. Any requests should be submitted to the school at least 15 school days before the holiday dates, using KAEP Leave of absence form. The final decision rests with the school.