EPCS6 Parent News
KAEP6 End of Summer Term 2023
KAEP6 - End of Term Letter - RT - 19.07.12
Year 12 End of Summer Term Letters
AMENDMENT With reference to the Year 12 End of Term letter, recently sent to you: To clarify, current Year 12 students, who will be starting Year 13 in September should start on Monday 5 September, not Friday 2 September. Y12 End of Summer Term ltr 18.7.2022 18 July...
EPCS6 End of Autumn Term and Spring Term arrangements
Dear Parents/Carers Sixth Form End of Autumn Term and start of Spring Term Firstly, I would like to say well done to all of the students and staff involved with EPCS6. It has been a very different educational climate over the last couple of years but the students...

A-Level Results 2021
A-Level results day, 10th August 2021 Many congratulations to our fabulous Year 13 students on their excellent A-Level results, which they received this morning. Despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, our students have excelled themselves, and their achievements...
Changes to the current requirement to wear face masks in educational settings.
Dear Parents / Carers This is an extract from the updated guidance. As part of the Step 3 road map, it has been determined that it is no longer necessary to recommend the additional precautionary face-covering measures that we recommended from 8 March. The decision...
Whole School News
Homework Club@KAEP
Homework Club@KAEP #Support #Alittlehelpinghand #Learningbeyondtheclassroom #Opentoall #KAEP
W/c 11.09.2023 Uniform requirements
Based on the forecast for next week the whole school will return to normal winter uniform. Students will be expected to have a signed note from a parent to update the school about any items on backorder. We continue to receive updates from Stevensons but understand...
Open Evening – 20th September 2023
Open Evening at King's Academy Easthampstead Park - 20th September 2023 We look forward to welcoming Year 6 students and their families to our Open Evening on Wednesday 20th September. To book a place for our Open Evening on Wednesday 20th September, please complete...
W/c 04.09.2023 Uniform Requirements and Warm Weather Protocols
Warm Weather Protocols Dear Parents / Carers, Today we welcomed back Year 7 and 12 students. Tomorrow we welcome back all year groups to school. We are looking forward to seeing them and getting the busy Autumn term underway for all. Tomorrow the weather app indicates...
KAEP6 End of Summer Term 2023
KAEP6 - End of Term Letter - RT - 19.07.12