Rewards and Sanctions

Our belief in a shared value system ensures an orderly, supportive and safe school environment which allows learners to thrive. Our core school values are ‘Respect and Pride,’ which we expect all stakeholders – students, parents and teachers to exhibit.

When they first join the school, students are carefully organised into Year 7 tutor groups which kick-starts new relationships, fosters friendships and a sense of shared responsibility which is developed further as the tutor group move through years 7-11 together.

We carefully track student behaviour using Classcharts, and use this system as our basis for awarding rewards and sanctions. All parents and students can access Classcharts via a smartphone app which is free to download, allowing them to:

● See positive and negative behaviour points that have been awarded.
● See the homework that their child has been set.
● Track any detentions that have been issued.

We reward excellent behaviour in a range of ways such as through certificates, letters home, tea parties with the Headteacher or Governors, graduation ceremonies and reward trips to the cinema or a theme park at the end of the school year. When student behaviour does not meet our high expectations, we intervene swiftly to remedy this, through systems including meeting with parents, Head of Year or Head of Department report and detentions.


We have a non-teaching support assistant Mrs Norris, who is based around the raising standards office throughout the day and has an excellent reputation for resolving any anxieties, pupil or parental, communicating effectively and efficiently. Parents and students are also able to access our Welfare Officer, Hannah Dunmall and our Parental Engagement Officer, Paula Whitehead, who are based in the school welfare office.