Joining KAEP6
Thank you for your interest in the Sixth Form at KAEP. We are delighted that you are thinking of joining us for the next stage of your education.
This section contains information about how to apply to KAEP6, and once you are here, how to apply for a bursary. Please contact us for guidance on 01344 390821 or email KAEP6@kgaeasthampstead.uk
Our Annual Sixth Form Open Evening takes place in October and to register your interest, please complete the form below.
If you have missed this event, or would like to see KAEP6 in action, then please contact us and we would be happy to organise a tour.
We can offer both internal and external applicants a wide range of Level 3 courses which are delivered in small class sizes where the learning environment is both supportive and challenging. We also offer a Level 2 course, Retail Studies (UAL) . All students are allocated a personal tutor, who supports them through their academic journey, from Year 12 until they leave us to begin a university course, modern apprenticeship or employment.
We have a Sixth Form area which is separate from the whole school which has recently been refurbished with new IT facilities, new furniture and a vending machine. The students use these facilities for both independent study and socialising with their peers.
We hope that we can welcome you to our Sixth Form in the near future and you can reap the benefits of an environment which is caring, inclusive and supportive.
Register for the KAEP6 2024 Open Evening on the 15th October 2024